

    I am Michelle Ida. I was named after my great-great grandmother, who I never had the chance to meet. So, choosing my company name is my way of keeping her name alive, also expressing the soulfulness of my company.

     Ever since I can remember I have always been a clean person and kept a clean room. I always kept the house clean, besides the kitchen,(just joking), but it was my least favorite as a child. 

    As a child you always have dreams. Some are outrageous and some are realistic. One of my outrageous dreams was to own my own business. I am proud to say that I have made it come true.  

  1. My mission is to provide superb cleaning regardless of the size.
  2. My motto is I will never leave a home without the customer being satisfied.


Get in Touch

Office location

saint louis, Missouri

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[email protected]